Wednesday 19 June 2013

Film Production: Fashion Film

Today we started filming in the green screen room. It was a process of experimentation yesterday, making sure we could 'key out' the background, so that we could apply are own vividly patterned backgrounds to the film. The editing of the green screen worked well, and we have decided that it would be good to create a similar effect on the 'morph suit' figure, who is the repressed alternate identity of the dark, oppressed woman. 

We began styling outfits, creating a brand image of freedom, exuberant personality and flowing movement of the body. We took inspiration from the fun, seemingly unscripted fashion films of the 1960s, which show models dancing around, treating the clothing as a tool to enjoy the free movement of the body.

We don't want a film which depicts artificiality, rather the brand encourages being yourself. To portray this we let the model, Ellie, create her movements as a response to how she felt in the clothing.

Patterns featured within the clothes used which will be used as backgrounds to the film.

The morph suit could provide difficulty in the editing of the film, as its purple colour is featured in many of the patterns within the dresses. Hopefully this can be overcome.

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